
As registration opens up for each week you'll find a link to the registration form. The form contains more details about what you can expect that week.

Topic Date/Time Registration Link
Week 1: Course Structure & Communication July 14th - 10:00-11:30am Registration is closed
Week 2: Course Assignments & Feedback July 21st - 10:00-11:30am Registration is closed
Week 3: Content & Creation July 28th - 10:00-11:30am Registration is closed
Week 4: Engagement August 4th - 10:00-11:30am Registration is closed

Concurrent Session Preview

Below will be descriptions for upcoming sessions. When you register this information will also be found on the form for the week

Week 4

Core Session-Building Engagement in an Online Course (Cartland Berge, Digital Learning Support and Victoria Russell, Center for Teaching) This session will review basic information about connecting students and sustaining student motivation in an online course. The focus will be on strategies and structures to support collaborative/group work in Canvas. We will also address best practices when choosing to use synchronous sessions, specifically in Zoom. It is recommended for any faculty member, but especially those that have not taught online before or whose first experience was remote teaching in Spring 2020.

Open Session with ODR (Jessica Machado, Office of Disability Resources) This Open Session is an opportunity to connect with Jessica Machado, Director of the Office of Disability Resources (ODR), regarding your questions on working with students with disabilities. This time will be primarily reserved for Q&A, but should there be time without questions, discussion will revolve around barriers shared by students, suggestions for consideration, sharing of resources, and approaches for supporting students with disabilities. Guiding questions may also be posed as a way to encourage faculty to share strategies and tips with each other.

Building Community in Online Courses (Steve Greenlaw, CAS-Economics) Online learning, by its very nature, is isolating. As Flower Darby observes: humans are social creatures--we learn better in community with others. In this workshop, I will share six specific strategies for building community in your online courses. We will also discuss what you have found successful in building community, as well as strategies for converting what you do in face-to-face courses to online environments.