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Preparing UMW Course Syllabi

Required Syllabus Components

All faculty are required to submit a digital copy of the syllabus for each course taught. The UMW Faculty Handbook outlines minimum syllabus requirements for all courses:

In addition, four policy statements are required on UMW course syllabi:

  • Accessibility statement
  • Title IX statement
  • Recording policy
  • Adherence to the Honor Code statement

Faculty are also encouraged to provide information about:

  • use of artificial intelligence (AI) for course assignments and experiences
  • basic needs security

Please consult the Provost’s website for sample statements and contact offices for further guidance.

Syllabus Statements for Student Learning Support

Students have opportunities to receive support for a variety of class assignments and experiences. The following statements can make students aware of what is available and how to access services.

Digital Knowledge Center

The Digital Knowledge Center (DKC), located in HCC 408, empowers UMW students to be digital creators by providing the support, technology, and spaces to complete digital projects, including audio, video, graphic design, 3D modeling, and website projects. Students can book appointments, read online guides, reserve media spaces, and see equipment available for loan at

Help Desk (Computer Issues)

If you are having difficulties with Canvas or connecting to online University resources, seek assistance from the Help Desk:

Simpson Library

The Simpson Library provides access to important physical and online resources and spaces.  Computers, printers, scanners, and study rooms are available for students, faculty, and staff.  Research librarians are available to assist you via phone, email, chat, or face-to-face.

Online databases, research guides, and e-books are accessible off-campus by using your network ID and password.  An online interlibrary loan service is also available so that students can request books and articles not available at the Simpson Library. 

Speaking and Writing Center

The Speaking and Writing Center, located in the Hurly Convergence Center 429, supports oral and written communication skills development through one-on-one or group consultations that address every stage of the composing process from brainstorming to final presentation and editing. UMW students can schedule 30- or 60-minute appointments, in-person or online, by visiting our webpage and clicking on “Schedule an Appointment” or going directly to our appointment scheduler.

We are committed to aiding development of written and oral skills aimed towards effectively communicating a diversity of views. The Speaking and Writing Center adheres strictly to the Honor Code; consultants will not compose any portion of a paper or presentation for a student, nor will they do research for a student.

For more information, please contact Dr. Leah Schweitzer, Director of the Speaking and Writing Center, at or 540-654-1347 or visit our website at

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