And just like that, we are a month away from a new semester. It’s not just any fall semester, however. It’s ‘the one’–the one where we return to sharing physical spaces, the one where students and colleagues break out of their boxes on screen, and the one where we have hope for something more familiar. Familiar, though, does not mean same. What are we coming back to and how will that shape our work in the coming months?
Playlist #4 offers three provocative and frank reflections on moving forward. They all share a sense of hope and a commitment to taking lessons learned over the past year into a more inclusive and humane approach to teaching and learning.
What We Are Watching
- This past May, Josh Eyler’s keynote presentation at Plymouth State University (“On Grief & Loss: Building a Post-Pandemic Future for Higher Ed Without Losing Sight of Our Students and Ourselves”) quickly spread across social media as a call to action. While acknowledging the different layers of grief people have experienced (and continue to work through), Eyler sees positive change that can be enacted from what we have learned about students and ourselves.
What We Are Reading
- Lee Skallerup-Bessette’s personal and frank reflection on endings and beginnings (written in early May) is not specific to teaching and learning, but projects a cautious optimism that many of us may be seeking as uncertainties and questions continue to buffer our daily lives.
What We Are Listening To
- So, what now? We’ve exhaled, reflected, and imagined–what difference does it make? Jennifer Gonzalez from the Cult of Pedagogy shares ideas in a recent-ish podcast, “No More Easy Button: A Suggested Approach to Post-Pandemic Teaching”. She examines four areas where educators can turn lessons learned into new (better?) learning experiences for students: lesson design, inclusivity, assessment, and relationships.
- Identify one area from the Cult of Pedagogy podcast where you would like to focus this coming semester. How can you implement one of the suggested changes or approaches in your fall classes? If you would like to brainstorm ideas, reach out to the Center for Teaching or Digital Learning Support for a consultation!
- In the coming weeks, watch your UMW inboxes for information from CfT and DLS about Pre-Week and Fall 2021 programming. If there are topics you would like us to address, please reach out with your ideas and suggestions!