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Activity: Create a quiz in Canvas 

Click on each question below for more details and links.

This can be a bit tricky. Canvas begins extended time based on when the student begins the quiz. However, quiz availability (‘from date’ and ‘to date’) will always supersede any extended time modification. In other words, if a student starts a timed quiz with less time than they are eligible to receive, then they will automatically be shut out of the quiz when it is scheduled to close, even if extended time remains available.  

Consider whether a timed quiz aligns to your course outcomes and learning objectives. Also, weigh the option of having a timed quiz but having it available all week. 

 Option A: If you set quiz availability dates on a timed quiz (open and close dates) 

  • Step 1-Assign the quiz to the individual student (How do I assign a quiz to an individual student?) 
  • Step 2-For the individual student ONLY, edit the quiz to reflect extended time by changing the quiz availability time. For example, the whole class has a 60-minute timed test scheduled from 10:00 11:00. Edit the individual student’s time to 10:00 11:30. 

Option B: If you do not set a ‘close date’ on a timed quiz (i.e., you have an open date and due date, but the quiz remains available indefinitely):

Note: You must publish a quiz before providing extended time. Set an ‘available’ date in the future so that your class cannot access the test, make the modifications, and then change the availability date to what you want for the class.

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