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Course Evaluations

Course Evaluation Schedule

The University of Mary Washington conducts course evaluations every semester as one measure of assessing faculty teaching and to provide opportunity for improvement.  UMW values students’ feedback and encourages faculty to enhance their teaching and classroom experiences based on feedback from student course evaluations.  Aside from course evaluations, faculty are encouraged to conduct other formative assessment activities as necessary.

Student course evaluation activities are coordinated by the Office of Institutional Analysis and Effectiveness (OIAE).  Toward the end of each semester, invitations are sent to students to evaluate the courses they are enrolled in during the semester. After students have completed their evaluations and final grades have been submitted, the results are sent to the dean of the college, the instructor’s chair, and the instructor.

The course evaluation schedule is posted each semester on the Provost’s website.

Student Course Evaluations

Course evaluations contain 12 statements that students rate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being ‘Strongly Disagree’ to 5 as ‘Strongly Agree’. The questions ask students to evaluate the instructor and experiences in the course. Students can also provide open comments about their observations and experiences from the semester.

You can review this sample instructor report to see the questions and how results are reported.

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